• New Chapter

    New Chapter

    Greetings, fellow adventurers and curious souls! As many of you know, this blog has been a canvas for my journey, a place where I’ve shared countless stories from mountain trails to life’s metaphorical bumps. Today, I’m thrilled to announce some exciting changes that reflect both my personal growth and the… …o/o

  • Mr. Zippy

    Mr. Zippy

    There I was, chilling trailside, just taking it all in, and bam! Along came Bill, my other half, blasting past me on his bike like he was gearing up for the Red Bull Hardline. And let’s be real—Bill isn’t exactly your Sunday morning pedal-pusher; when he’s in the zone, he’s… …o/o

  • Marshall Grade Ride

    Marshall Grade Ride

    Today’s ride was yet another episode in the grand soap opera I like to call “As the Pedal Turns with the Cuddle Bears!” I was riding shotgun on Moki, and she was on her beloved Pumpkin Spice, as we charged up Marshall Grade like a couple of Tour de France… …o/o

  • Wake Up

    Wake Up

    As the morning sun played peek-a-boo through the dense canopy, I found myself setting off on a jaunt to unearth the forest’s secret splendors. Ambling along the serpentine trail, I couldn’t help but stop and marvel at the etchings on the tree trunks—nature’s own version of ancient graffiti, each line… …o/o

  • AI and Neurodiverse Inclusion Hijinks

    AI and Neurodiverse Inclusion Hijinks

    In this digital age, where artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly acts as our daily companion, ensuring that the myriad of voices and experiences shaping our tech is inclusive isn’t just important—it’s critical. As a card-carrying member of the neurodiverse squad, my dive into the AI and machine learning pool was spurred… …o/o

  • It’s Different For Me

    It’s Different For Me

    Clutching the remote like it’s the last piece of pizza on game night, and barricading ourselves indoors feels a bit overkill these days. The world, stripped of the cacophony of do’s and don’ts, red tape, and 24/7 news cycles, somehow feels like slipping into your favorite hoodie—comfortable and just right.… …o/o

  • RMVQ In a Day?

    RMVQ In a Day?

    Ah, finally hit the jackpot with a good night’s sleep, seems like I’m rounding the corner on this pesky COVID beast. After prying my eyes open this morning, I lounged on the couch for a bit, indulging in my usual pre-coffee musings about how I wanted the day to unfold—nothing… …o/o

  • Welcome Creek Trail Encounters: The Tale of Shadow

    Welcome Creek Trail Encounters: The Tale of Shadow

    Deep in the untamed heart of where Welcome Creek Trail 225 stretches its legs, beneath the tall pines standing like skyscrapers and through grasses gossiping with the wind, there I prowled, a mountain lion with a backstory as craggy as the peaks reaching for the heavens. My kittenhood memories are… …o/o

  • Is Today Any Better?

    Is Today Any Better?

    Just when I think I’m dodging the COVID coaster, a wild ride of a day sends me spiraling—headache like an ice cream binge gone wrong, lungs on fire, and weakness that’s just rude. Yet, after a cosmic timeout with my bed, today’s looking up. Time for Cuddles and me to… …o/o

  • Hells Gate

    Hells Gate

    “Beneath the cloak of night, under the watchful eyes of our ancestors etched upon the canvas of stars, I recount a tale not of valor, but of a shadow that crept upon our lands. In the era when the earth was untouched by the iron hands of the future, our… …o/o

  • Is Harmony a Fantasy?

    Is Harmony a Fantasy?

    Still wrestling with COVID here. Last night was a doozy, truly taking the cake for feeling worse than ever. My heart’s feeling a bit on the fragile side, and there are moments when throwing in the towel seems like a viable option. Yet, there’s this persistent tale in my heart… …o/o

  • Deerly Overwhelmed

    Deerly Overwhelmed

    Right when I thought I had everything sorted, like organizing a perfectly straight line of rubber ducks, life decided to pitch me a fast one—a positive COVID test. Embracing my inner champion, I dove headfirst into a marathon of doing sweet nothing, showcasing my dedication to anti-productivity. Zooming to the… …o/o

  • I am 58 years old

    I am 58 years old

    Today, I turned 58, and it’s not exactly a bouquet of roses. Mo gave me an unexpected gift for my birthday—COVID. So, I’m taking it easy, laughing through the sniffles. It all commenced with the spark of life in 1966, a beginning marked by wonder and the infinite potential of… …o/o

  • Frost-Kissed Azure

    Frost-Kissed Azure

    Imagine yourself at a serene winter retreat, a frozen lake cradled by snow-draped mountains and whispering forests. Here, the lake’s surface isn’t the polished ice you might expect; rather, it’s a quirky patchwork of snow that’s melted and refrozen, giving it the appearance of a giant slushy. It’s less “mirror-like… …o/o

  • The Digital Odyssey of Bytes and Bikes

    The Digital Odyssey of Bytes and Bikes

    In the tapestry of my digital existence, woven through the years, the story of my adventures unfolds, beginning in the year 2004, a time of digital pioneering and innovation. It was a year marked by the birth of Gmail, as I mused in “Google Launches Free Email With 1GB”, pondering… …o/o

  • She is back!

    She is back!

    The mountain air hit Mo’s lungs like a crisp high-five as she pedaled along, her beloved “Pumpkin Spice” eating up the winding spring trail. Those evergreens towered overhead, swaying their branches all casual-like, throwing natural shade. Up ahead, the path hugged the glassy lake – Mo couldn’t resist a little… …o/o

  • Beaver Family Lodge Life

    Beaver Family Lodge Life

    Nestled in the cozy nook of Seeley Lake, Montana, sits a story that could rival any Hallmark winter special. Imagine a mountain lake so serene, it’s like Mother Nature paused Netflix, grabbed her paints, and went to town on a canvas. The sunset? So showy, you’d swear the sky was… …o/o

  • Spring Sprang Sprung: Biking Through Missoula’s Premature Thaw

    Spring Sprang Sprung: Biking Through Missoula’s Premature Thaw

    Ah, spring in Missoula typically plays hard to get, more like a moody director who can’t decide on the scene’s mood. Usually, it’s a mix of grey skies and a chill that makes you think twice about ditching your cozy blanket fortress. Biking? That’s a June hobby when the weather… …o/o