I am 58 years old

Today, I turned 58, and it’s not exactly a bouquet of roses. Mo gave me an unexpected gift for my birthday—COVID. So, I’m taking it easy, laughing through the sniffles.

It all commenced with the spark of life in 1966, a beginning marked by wonder and the infinite potential of the canvas of life. My birth into this odyssey, “Born into an Odyssey: Layers of April 3rd, 1966”, laid the foundation for a journey characterized by a relentless pursuit of adventure and self-discovery.

As I ventured into adulthood, the digital dawn of the 21st century found me at 36, navigating a world “No Internet or TV” offered, an era echoing with the simplicity and complexities of a life less connected, yet full of untapped possibilities.

At 37, amidst the whirlwind of life’s demands, “I am 37: why so busy?”, I pondered the essence of my busyness, a reflection on the eternal human quandary of balancing being with doing, of cycling through life’s urgencies without losing sight of its wonders.

The year I turned 40, “I am 40: On the road again”, marked a return to the road, to the joy of cycling, a metaphor for life’s constant motion, its cycles of renewal, and the freedom found in the journey, not just the destination.

By 42, crafting my path took on a literal form as I built my custom rig, “I am 42: Building a rig”, symbolizing the deliberate construction of a life through choices, challenges, and the joy of creation.

Turning 43, gratitude took center stage in “I am 43: Thanks Neuvation Cycling”, a moment that underscored the importance of support, community, and the unexpected connections that enrich our journey.

At 44, inspired by “Jonathan Livingston Seagull,” “I Am 44” reflected a quest for self-perfection, a reminder that our flights of discovery and self-realization are bound only by the horizons we dare to chase.

46 brought with it a new chapter, “I am 46: Going on a 50”, embarking on adventures with Gonzo, my Salsa bike, embracing new challenges and the exhilaration of exploring uncharted paths.

At 47, a ride up the road turned into a journey of introspection, “I am 47: Up the road”, contemplating the cycles of energy, age, and the quest for what lies beyond the familiar pavement.

The whimsy of a Vegas walkabout at 48, “I am 48: Vegas walkabout”, embodied the spirit of adventure, the joy of stepping into the unknown, and the delights that await when we venture off the beaten path.

By 54, the world had shifted beneath our wheels. “I’m 54” found me reflecting on a pandemic’s pause, a stark reminder of our shared vulnerability and the resilience required to navigate through unforeseen storms.

At 55, “I am 55: 2 Weeks of Psychological Warfare”, I faced a Kafkaesque dance with life’s absurdities, a testament to the endurance of spirit required to face the inexplicable complexities of our existence.

Today, as I stand at the precipice of 58, the narrative takes an unexpected turn. “Happy Birthday! Though it seems the universe has a rather twisted sense of humor…”

COVID, an uninvited guest, has dictated a pause, a moment to reflect rather than race. This year, instead of a celebratory ride, I’m reminded of life’s fragile balance and the importance of heeding its call to rest, to recover, and to perhaps, find a deeper appreciation for the journey itself.

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