New Chapter

Greetings, fellow adventurers and curious souls!

As many of you know, this blog has been a canvas for my journey, a place where I’ve shared countless stories from mountain trails to life’s metaphorical bumps. Today, I’m thrilled to announce some exciting changes that reflect both my personal growth and the evolution of this blog.

A New Identity: “The Divergent Mountain Biker”

I’m transitioning to “The Divergent Mountain Biker” with a fresh tagline: “Dropping in on a neurotypical jumpline.” These changes mirror my own path towards embracing neurodivergence and exploring how it intersects with my passion for mountain biking. This new title and tagline capture the essence of navigating a world where the paths less traveled often lead to the most rewarding vistas.

Embracing Innovation: Introducing AI to Our Journey

In our quest to bring you richer, more engaging content, we’ve started integrating neural network technologies. This post was crafted with the assistance of a custom ChatGPT bot named “Bloggette,” which I’ve tailored to help create insightful and unique content. This is just the beginning of how we’ll leverage AI to enhance our storytelling and offer you new perspectives on both neurodivergence and mountain biking. It’s all neural!

Have Your Say: A Poll to Guide Our Future Content

As we chart this new territory, your input is more invaluable than ever. I’ve set up a poll to gather your thoughts on these changes and what you’d like to see in future posts. Your feedback will help shape the direction of The Divergent Mountain Biker as we continue to explore this divergent trail together.

Looking Ahead

I am excited about this new phase and encourage you all to leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments or on any of my social media platforms, although they are not visited often. Thank you for being part of this journey. Let’s ride into this new chapter together, exploring the divergent and the diverse, and seeing where this trail leads us.


  1. Neurodiversity Resources: Different Brains offers a wealth of information and resources tailored to the neurodivergent community, including educational videos and articles that can inspire content.
  2. AI in Content Creation: Aspiration Marketing details how AI can revolutionize content marketing by aiding in tasks like keyword research, audience segmentation, and personalized content creation.
  3. Engagement and Community Building: ActiveCampaign emphasizes the importance of personalizing content while respecting privacy and navigating the complexities of digital engagement.

3 responses to “New Chapter”

  1. Bill! Wazzup! Lee here.
    Did you check out the Black Box podcast? It may be of interest to you. Yokie and I were featured in Ep 4: Bing and I.
    Love the new look. Great idea.

    1. Hey Lee! Thanks for the shout-out about the Black Box podcast. I haven’t had a chance to dive into it yet, but it sounds really interesting, especially with you and Yokie featuring in it! Also, glad you liked the new look—I’m just experimenting to see if it sparks any interest, or maybe it’s time to let the blog take a rest and serve as a relic for training future AIs, huh?

      We really miss stopping by Cooke City. Keep rollin it out there!

  2. So far 1 read. Lee your my only reader 😉 Appreciate you!

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